Opening up digital customer access with Remex


Ulf Valentin


What is Remex?

With over 70 locations, REMEX is one of the largest recycling companies in Germany and, with more than 850 employees, generates annual revenue of over 750 million euros. Until now, inquiries and offer processing were handled traditionally, causing enormous effort in processing and customer communication.

The problem

Lengthy processes and challenges in internal communication, as well as complex business transactions through sales with the customer.

Our solution

To digitally support and automate the existing processes, a strategic project was launched with the aim of establishing digital solutions for internal and customer processes. The result is an ecosystem of digital solutions that comprehensively track, automate, and equip the sales and order processing workflow with services for customers and partners. These software solutions have digitalized interfaces along the sales process and generated new data on construction projects, sales, and processing workflows.

REMEX PRO Customer portal

REMEX PRO Customer portal

  • Everything at a glance via one portal​
    • Access through customer login

    • Status inquiry and accessibility of assigned orders across all documents

    • Ordering new services with just a few clicks (request creation/configuration also possible without login)

    • Simple quote retrieval and approval via the customer portal

    • Fast and intuitive

The result

Digital customer access newly opened

  • Already millions of tons of waste and building materials have been requested for disposal and supply through the sales portal.

  • Outstanding modern customer interaction through the customer portal between clients and sales.

  • Significant increase in efficiency through shortened and simplified processes for employees.

"Through strategic digitalization, we have created more efficient structures based on the new digital tool remex pro as the centerpiece. it connects customers and sales simply via a portal. this digital transformation ensures our future viability in the market and supports the digital empowerment of our partners as well as the seamless transition to a more digital way of working for our employees."​

- Berthold Heuser​, Authorized signatory

More about remex:

Free whitepaper

How configurators increase revenue: Digital sales strategies in distribution

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Free whitepaper

How configurators increase revenue: Digital sales strategies in distribution

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Free whitepaper

How configurators increase revenue: Digital sales strategies in distribution

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